Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Economic C®I$I$

It upsets me how oblivious people continue to behave in the face of this “economic crisis”.

Billy Brower acquires a job that pays $96,000 a year. In all his excitement he decides to move out of his apartment; so he applies for a loan for $300,000 to pay for a $250,000 home based on the hope of receiving $96,000 by the same time next year. In the meantime Billy still owes $15,000 on his Sports Utility vehicle, and his wife still owes $8,000 on her sports car. In addition to these “financial responsibilities” Mrs. and Mr. Brower also have 2 children under the age of 5. I would keep going, but you get the picture. In addition to borrowing on time Billy bought lunch everyday of the week that he went to work instead of purchasing food at a grocery store and packing a lunch. Billy chose convenience.

Society fools people into believing they need symbols of their wealth but as the quote says, a rose by any other name is still rose! You don’t need to prove yourself to anyone! In a quest to prove ourselves, the unfortunate truth is we have become a nation of borrowers. Even the richest celebrity when signing a million dollar contract chooses to buy a home which exceeds the actual amount of money he/she actually holds in his/her possession. Then we read about bankruptcy and financial ruin. Why not choose to buy a house for cash? ESPECIALLY IF YOU HAVE IT!!!!!!

Warren Buffet remains one of the world's most successful investors Forbes ranked him as the richest person in the world during the first half of 2008, with an estimated billion. He lives in the same house in the central Dundee neighborhood of Omaha that he bought in 1958 for $31,500, today valued at around $700,000.

Every time someone complains that he or she does not have enough money for something he or she wants I’m reminded of an episode of the Cosby show when Bill told his kids if they had saved a dollar a day of their allowance 4 of them could have bought a house in that very same neighborhood. If I had saved a dollar a day from the time I first remember receiving money, I would have around $10,000. If you are in “economic crisis” don’t blame anyone but yourself. When you “bought” that house, you did not have the money for it! You chose to buy a candy bar or hamburger instead of saving for something more important or adding a little extra to your monthly payments. Technically everyone doesn’t need a car! When I am out and about it upsets me a little to observe traffic and look at ALL THE EMPTY PASSENGER SEATS. If more people walked, car pooled, and used public transportation, they would cancel a significant financial burden. If EVERYONE packed a lunch think about the gas they would save in driving to and fro in search of a meal. Stop asking for financial bailouts, accept the consequences of your actions, learn from it, and move on!

Matthew 6:25-29

Don't fuss about what's on the table at mealtimes or whether the clothes in your closet are in fashion. There is far more to your life than the food you put in your stomach, more to your outer appearance than the clothes you hang on your body. Look at the birds, free and unfettered, not tied down to a job description, careless in the care of God. And you count far more to him than birds."Has anyone by fussing in front of the mirror ever gotten taller by so much as an inch? All this time and money wasted on fashion—do you think it makes that much difference? Instead of looking at the fashions, walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color and design quite like it? The ten best-dressed men and women in the country look shabby alongside them.

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