Friday, March 20, 2009


A lot of men say ALL women want a thug
and whereas I take precautions not to put groups of people into [boxes]
I can see how a thug may seem better than a nice guy.

The Thug doesn't have to call in because he's the boss

  • If I NEED HIM in the middle of the day, it’s no big deal for him to leave his corner, porch, or momma’s house to come and attend to my needs. A guy who owns a “legitimate” business tends to pour himself into it and will easily overlook his adoring mate to push the business…the nice guy has reckless ambition.
He's a gentle giant.

  • Reminiscent of an elephant, any observer knows the thug can handle himself but he treads lightly; he can clearly squash any opponent but they don’t go stomping about to prove it. Whether by intention or by nature, the nice guy flaunts his clout.
  • He might be violent and sometimes physically abusive, but he always apologizes where as the nice guy doesn’t even apologize for his “little” indiscretions: consistently coming home late without calling, forgetting a birthdays, etc…Acts like his woman's hurt is not important.
He's a big talker.

  • Even if it’s just “intimate details” or “shallow observances” the thug is always talking about HIS WOMAN. She’s HIS TROPHY. She’s a MEMENTO OF HIS PERSONAL ACHIEVEMENTS, a SPOIL OF WAR. Because of what he’s worked for, he deserves her and because she belongs to him, he MUST take care of her. The nice guy’s friends may not even know her last name. She changes her hairstyle and the thug notices…she buys a new dress and the thug mentions it.
  • The only memento the nice guy needs as a testament of his work are raises, promotions, and false respect of his colleagues. [His colleagues who smile in his face and will readily stab him in the back].

He’s a straight shooter

  • In many ways the nice guy is a sell out…he plays the games of the world to gain the spoils of the world.
  • Keeping it real in a fake world was the theme of Katt William's jokes/pep talk. To distill his message without the expletives, it was that the audience had to prepare their "Star Player" (themselves) and SURROUND THEMSELVES WITH A "TEAM" (FAMILY, FRIENDS, LOVED ONES) to deal with all the nonsense that "haters" would throw at them.
  • The thug deflects the nonsense while the nice guy absorbs it.

Both are flawed but the thug’s flaws are easier to deal with because you trust the thug to be consistent while the nice guy is easily swayed…I have never myself chosen a "thug" but every time I'm hurt by a nice guy, I wish I had...

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