Saturday, July 7, 2012

The Ups And Downs of Life [Simba from the Lion King]

Remember Who You Belong To:
  • Simba had gotten very lost and forgotten who he was…
  • Who do we belong to?
“…we are already God’s children, but he has not yet shown us what we will be like when Christ appears. But we do know that we will be like him, for we will see him as he really is.” -1 John 3:2 

  • We are God's child and He is going to take care of us! Even if we stray, don't do what He wants us to, make bad choice that cause us to have some ups and downs, God is always there for us.
  • When we remember whose we are, we make it through out downs and head to the ups. 
  • Jesus lives in your heart and He is with us to help us every moment of every day!
  • You are made for more than just problems and getting into trouble, you are made to be a King or Queen in the Kingdom of God! But, if we let the past define who we are and hold us back... we will never be able to do all that God has for us.

Put Your Past Behind You:
  • I love that clip because it is a good reminder to us all about how powerful our past can be on our future. 
  • We are all going to have "Ups & Downs" in life, but when we make it through difficult things, we have to choose to move on into what God has for us and not let the painful memories or experience hold us back!
  • Have any of you experienced something that was difficult or hard?
  • Me too, but the awesome thing about God is He always with us and willing to help get us back up on our feet and help through it onto bigger and better things!
“…I have not achieved it [perfection], but I focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us. – Philippians 3:13-14
-What would happened in Simba's life if he never would have moved on past the past?
  • Okay, let's review Simba's “Ups & Downs”... (Ask some of the student to help you)
  • Simba's Ups: being born, being a prince, his great relationship with His Dad, meeting Nahla, having friends like Timone and Pumba, etc
  • Simba's Downs: Father dying, evil uncle, leaving home, etc..
We can all agree that Simba went through both “Ups & Downs”, but he didn’t let life make him bitter, it made him better.
He owned who he was through his father and embraced what he wants meant to do! Rule!
God is going to be there for you no matter what, but you have to do be willing to need him!

evel 56 is the Lakewood Church exciting, high impact service designed exclusively for 5th and 6th graders. Tweens discover an exciting new world where they can hang out with friends, enjoy games and fun activities and learn leadership and social skills through biblical principles that will prepare them for the future.

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